Wednesday 21 January 2015

Evaluation : Question 3

Evaluation 3 :

"How did you use media technologies in the construction and research , planning and evaluation stages?"

In terms of how i used media technologies in the construction and research , planning and evaluation stages . I decided to go other all the technologies I have used throughout my A2 media and how they have helped me with my work .

One of the first technologies learnt even in my AS media year , was how to master new state of the art cameras . Here is a quick video with a close friend of mine Li on how I used the camera in my work .
This was used in this year A2 media year firstly with filming our Lip Sync tutorial – where my group and I used it to film different shots . And in my music video , which we used to film all our base tracks to edit in Final Cut Pro.

Other technologies such as blogger have also be a significant use for my coursework , it has helped me with all the stages of creating my music video and ancillary work :

I also use apps and websites , social medias and the internet to help construct the research , planning and evaluation of my production of my music video and ancillary work:

Using Photoshop :

For creating my ancillary work , I used Photoshop to produce both my digi pak and advertisement . On a previous blog I showed I used photoshop to produce work , which I decided to present through some screenshots on photobucket !

Using Final Cut Pro :
Here I show my I used Final Cut Pro while editing my music video , here I go through how I used it for effects on Camtasia! :

As well as using Final Cut Pro for my music video I also used it during my planning stages to make animatic storyboard . :

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