Friday 23 January 2015

Evaluation question 1

As the song we chose to do was by Rita Ora I decided that it would be really beneficial for me to watch her previous songs as they often have similar styles in which is effectively presented through her music videos. Similarly, the songs I have chosen above; (Rita Ora), 'I will never let you down' and 'Hot right now'  are both of the British Pop genre that I am working on. Furthermore, as a pop based genre, both videos follow the conventions successfully. Regarding that, I got my main sources of inspiration from watching the video above; they helped me to get a much better understanding of how pop music videos are presented and how they differ from the other music genres; Rock, R&B, soul and Reggae. 

A really useful aspect of the videos above that have influenced in the final process and production of my music video project was through the use of editing, camerawork and the visual style. This is because I studied and done research on theories relating to the music production and representation. 

I tried to follow the conventions of a pop music video hence incorporating elements which feature in all music videos such as through the use of costume which is evident in the music video; the synergy and motif of blue, thus including blue coloured costume. As well as that, Goodwin's theory  of having close ups are shown in the video. This effectively shows and introduces the artist to the audience; this was an effective technique to follow as not only did it follow and present the theory it worked well as the artist is new hence this applying directly to the audience. As well as that, it also linked to Vernallis' theory of music videos constructing on a variety or different shot types, camera angles and editing techniques. The close up shot above not only presents a shot type but only follows Mulvey's theory of the male gaze in which the close up shot of the artist' lips successfully representing that. The different angle shot; wide shot, in comparison to the close up shot of the artist also shows that Vernalliis' theory was followed. 

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