Tuesday 20 January 2015

Evaluation : Question 2

Evaluation Question 2 :
"How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digi pak and advertisement)?

After looking at what synergy is , what I learnt about it on my past Synergy Activity
Blog , I have gathered the importance of Synergy , especially in terms of how myself have used synergy in my artists promotional package.
Synergy in my Products :

After looking at the different synergy that are used in my work , i decided to see if audience members ; especially my target audience , so I conducted this survey to allow myself to see how appealing and visible my work is . I collect this information , I made a survey asking about the synergy in my products and whether they liked them or not .

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
After looking at the result , the main results of theses questions were :
  • They saw synergy especially with the colours
  • Motif of curly hair was clear
  • Also, synergy in terms of characters persona , was clear she was fun and outgoing .
    This is how I've synergy :

This how real artist have use synergy :

 Overall , synergy in my products as well as real artist products are used very similarly , for example , both use colour and style as a main focus for the synergy . In general , the combination of my main product ( music video) and my ancillary texts ( digi pak and advertisement ) have been very effective as they have been able to work perfectly together and use synergy as a important factor to create visual links between the products and create familiarity for the audiences

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