Tuesday 13 January 2015

Digi Pak in progress : Front and Back Covers

Here I first started with my chosen main image for my Digi here , I decided to try some different effects on the image and see what I could play around with ! . After trying different effects such as altering the temperature and sharping the picture , I felt that this gave a more calm and simple look to my artist , which was one of my aims for my ancillary products , however , I felt this didn't reflect my artist fun and bubbly personality.

After deciding this, I wanted to use a filter that showed my artist fun persona , this led me to use these "light trails" on my image which are syngerical to my music video as for the last verse Sanaa is at Kings Cross Fountains where there was a use of lights as well .
After choosing the effects for my image , I used a tint on Photoshop to a slight blue colours , to continue my syngerical colour of blue. After finalising my image , I started with the artist name and album which I wanted to present through anchoring .
Here I placed the song names in the middle as well as the bar code and record label logo was placed on the back of the CD cover. The use of the small print was used to illustrate copyrights ; all found in conventional digi paks . 

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