Friday 23 January 2015

Sign off


It has been extremely stressful If I must say so! I am glad i've finished and I hope all the hard work pays off in the end. I feel like I have learnt a lot on the way during the process- skills including my presentational skills and my ability to organise using a number of different media technologies such as slideshare and Prezi.

Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 1

As the song we chose to do was by Rita Ora I decided that it would be really beneficial for me to watch her previous songs as they often have similar styles in which is effectively presented through her music videos. Similarly, the songs I have chosen above; (Rita Ora), 'I will never let you down' and 'Hot right now'  are both of the British Pop genre that I am working on. Furthermore, as a pop based genre, both videos follow the conventions successfully. Regarding that, I got my main sources of inspiration from watching the video above; they helped me to get a much better understanding of how pop music videos are presented and how they differ from the other music genres; Rock, R&B, soul and Reggae. 

A really useful aspect of the videos above that have influenced in the final process and production of my music video project was through the use of editing, camerawork and the visual style. This is because I studied and done research on theories relating to the music production and representation. 

I tried to follow the conventions of a pop music video hence incorporating elements which feature in all music videos such as through the use of costume which is evident in the music video; the synergy and motif of blue, thus including blue coloured costume. As well as that, Goodwin's theory  of having close ups are shown in the video. This effectively shows and introduces the artist to the audience; this was an effective technique to follow as not only did it follow and present the theory it worked well as the artist is new hence this applying directly to the audience. As well as that, it also linked to Vernallis' theory of music videos constructing on a variety or different shot types, camera angles and editing techniques. The close up shot above not only presents a shot type but only follows Mulvey's theory of the male gaze in which the close up shot of the artist' lips successfully representing that. The different angle shot; wide shot, in comparison to the close up shot of the artist also shows that Vernalliis' theory was followed. 

evaluation question 4:

Evaluation question 3

Evaluation question 3:

Final Progress Review Blog

Signing off

Bloggin is finally done.

Evaluation: Question 4

Audience feedback was very effective as it helps improve the final outcome that the group achieves as it gives you an insight on what the audience actually want to see.

Evaluation: Question 3


This TimeToast is a timeline of how as a group and individually we have used technology throughout research, planning, production and evaluation. Having all the technology to hand is important as without technologies such as Twitter, Instagram, Blogger, Photoshop, Youtube and a Video camera we as a group would not have been able to create our main and ancillary texts.

This an animatic which is a form of one of the most effective technology we used throughout the planning process to visually display to out audience throughout the pitch on how we would like our video to look at the finished result.

Evaluation: Question 1

Evaluation question 2

Evaluation question 2:

Evaluation question 1:

Thursday 22 January 2015

Final Blogging task :

Final Progress Review Blog

Evaluation : Question 4

Evaluation 4 :

"What have you learned from your audience feedback?"
Audience feedback is a important aspect when making a music video or even making something in general as it allows you receive the strengths and weakness of your work and allows to make change or improvement .

Rough Cut Feedback :

Here is my rough cut feedback i got from my class . From our first rough cut we got strengths such as editing to the beat was good , shots used were good , and the persona of the character was fun and energetic which my group and i said we would do in our pitch . Also , we recieved weakness as well , such as to add more movements and focus on the visual structure and identify the verse and chorus structure visually .

Here are some screenshots of these feedbacks ob a blog and written up !

After this feedback , i focus on this audience feedback , which is shown in my animoto 

 Audience feedback was also very important at the end of my music video which i made a short documentry on a day our music videos were screened : 

The most important feedback for me was when we first introduced our rough cut to our class , i decided to analyse one or two comments made by my peers where i posted my notes through an App on iPhone called ABC Notes :

How my Products changed in light of feedback ?:
here is a quick youtube video of how my products changed in light of audiences feedbacks:

As well as my music video , i also got feedback from my ancillary work :


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Evaluation : Question 3

Evaluation 3 :

"How did you use media technologies in the construction and research , planning and evaluation stages?"

In terms of how i used media technologies in the construction and research , planning and evaluation stages . I decided to go other all the technologies I have used throughout my A2 media and how they have helped me with my work .

One of the first technologies learnt even in my AS media year , was how to master new state of the art cameras . Here is a quick video with a close friend of mine Li on how I used the camera in my work .
This was used in this year A2 media year firstly with filming our Lip Sync tutorial – where my group and I used it to film different shots . And in my music video , which we used to film all our base tracks to edit in Final Cut Pro.

Other technologies such as blogger have also be a significant use for my coursework , it has helped me with all the stages of creating my music video and ancillary work :

I also use apps and websites , social medias and the internet to help construct the research , planning and evaluation of my production of my music video and ancillary work:

Using Photoshop :

For creating my ancillary work , I used Photoshop to produce both my digi pak and advertisement . On a previous blog I showed I used photoshop to produce work , which I decided to present through some screenshots on photobucket !

Using Final Cut Pro :
Here I show my I used Final Cut Pro while editing my music video , here I go through how I used it for effects on Camtasia! :

As well as using Final Cut Pro for my music video I also used it during my planning stages to make animatic storyboard . :

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Evaluation: Question 2


Presentation Synergy from neeka_xo

This is a collage of how I have used synergy throughout my music video and digipak. I have used a grey brush tool to show where and how I have used synergy; the first way I decided to use synergy is through the use of costume as it was our first costume in the music video Roc The Life - I feel this costume best describes our artist and the feel for the video itself which is fun, relaxed and energetic. 
Also I used the same colours from our colour palate of our music video which was black, blue and white I used these within the fonts which are consistent throughout the magazine advert and digipak as this is a convention of ancillary products. 
Also I have used the location  Kings Cross in my digipak inside to draw in more synergy and visual links, I have screen shots of Sanaa flicking her hair as this was the motif for the ancillary products and music video.

This is an example of official artists using synergy. When looking into Jessie J's album Who You Are - Straightaway we notice the clear colour palate of black, white and gold and this is carried out through the music video Do it Like a Dude she has a costume related around these colours as you can see from my screenshot above. Also there are various close ups of her make up as in her album cover and advertisement she has the same studded lip gloss, as shown above in the music video she has studded lipgloss therefor makeup is carried throughout all products. The same signature hairstyle is used which I would class as her motif as she has this throughout all music video's from this album. The grey brush shows where synergy is used.
In Rihanna's album LOUD we can see that the red filter is carried throughout also the red hair, and red makeup which tells us that the colour palate for her album is red as its carried out through the digipak, magazine ad and music video. We have the same locations which I have circled with the grey brush. Although we cannot see the costumes in the album cover I believe that the costume would be the same as it shows off flesh which is what we would expect as the angle of her image on her album cover gives the perspective that Rihanna is nude. 

Evaluation : Question 2

Evaluation Question 2 :
"How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digi pak and advertisement)?

After looking at what synergy is , what I learnt about it on my past Synergy Activity
Blog , I have gathered the importance of Synergy , especially in terms of how myself have used synergy in my artists promotional package.
Synergy in my Products :

After looking at the different synergy that are used in my work , i decided to see if audience members ; especially my target audience , so I conducted this survey to allow myself to see how appealing and visible my work is . I collect this information , I made a survey asking about the synergy in my products and whether they liked them or not .

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
After looking at the result , the main results of theses questions were :
  • They saw synergy especially with the colours
  • Motif of curly hair was clear
  • Also, synergy in terms of characters persona , was clear she was fun and outgoing .
    This is how I've synergy :

This how real artist have use synergy :

 Overall , synergy in my products as well as real artist products are used very similarly , for example , both use colour and style as a main focus for the synergy . In general , the combination of my main product ( music video) and my ancillary texts ( digi pak and advertisement ) have been very effective as they have been able to work perfectly together and use synergy as a important factor to create visual links between the products and create familiarity for the audiences

Evaluation : Question 1

Evaluation : Question 1:
" In what ways does your media products use , develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"

In terms of conventional real media products , some theories have been made about music video , here is a quick recap of two theories .

Andrew Goodwin

Carol Vernallis


In terms of what main ideas of these theorists i followed in my music video i followed :
Goodwin's :

  • Singer as both a narrator and character in the Music Video
  • Verse and Chorus 
  • Repetition of shots 
  • Visual link of sound to image

Vernallis's :

  • Editing more frequently - to the beat
  • Obvious Edits
  • Base track editing
  • Camera Movement .
I was also influenced by many music videos during the planning stages of my music video . In which , I was influenced by different aspects of artists/bands such as Rita Ora and Cover drive , these influences have helped me follow and develop the conventions of a music video , which I show in this Camtasia video !

Challenge or Follow the conventions of a music video :

As well as my Music Video being conventional , my other media products of my ancillary work- which consists of my Digi Pak and Advertisement follow the conventions of a promotional package as well.

As stated in my Slideshow , which I made using Canva - an amazing graphic design website , then uploaded on to Kizoa , here are my influence for my promotional packages:
Overall , my music video does develop the conventions of a conventional video as it follows the theories , as well as other pop music video conventions . This is also similar to my ancillary work which follows the layout and use of minimal colours.

Audience Feedback Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Monday 19 January 2015

Final Magazine Advert

This again has the colour palate discussed with the blue, white and black. I also decided to use a blue filter to really portray that this was the man focus of my ancillary work. I stuck to my main font being Sans Serif as I feel this best displayed my artist. 

Final Digipak

My Digipak has used the colour palate that we agreed on from the beginning that we used throughout our music video as I feel this makes a visual link to the audience and makes them familiarise with the artist. My costume choice was based on the costumes used in our music video again to create synergy. My main inspiration was Rita Ora album Ora and Rihanna Loud.

mag advert final

Final digipak inside

Front digipak cover

Sunday 18 January 2015

Audience Feedback Throughout

Due to my short time period my feedback  throughout is limited however from what I did receive I've learned that my approach to the my ancillary products is becoming effective as this person is in the target audience she is aged 18 and feels like my promotion has been done effectively. This person 

This is feedback from someone else in the same age group she is 19 and she thinks that my works well against eachother and there is clear synergy which is positive however my blue tint needs to be more present and across both.

I found both feedback effective and it helped my push my work in the right direction.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Specfic Audience Feedback

After completely finishing my ancillary products I decided to ask some of my peers for specific feedback on my work and what they liked as well as improvements . After filming them , I decided to make a short video using Camtasia to place all the interviews together !

Thursday 15 January 2015

Process of my advert

Feedback of ancillary products so far

I am now in the process of making my real ancillary products . While in productions of these I asked two of my friends who are also apart of my target audience about what they feel they liked and could improve about my ancillary products.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Advertisment in progress !


Here I decided to after placing my wanted register for the text on to my advertisement , I decided to try and play about with the way I could layout the different texts and information .

After placing where I wanted my text , I brang in conventional logos which are seen on real album covers such as record labels , social networks and as well as the availability of the single .

Here is also Camtasia showing my process of getting through my work !


Digipak- Work in progress

Design activity- pitch and mock up

Ancillary Products- Do's and Don'ts

Digipak in Progress

This is my digi
pak front and back cover so far, as you can see I have stuck to a Sans serif font as I saw throughout many examples I've looked at have stuck to the Sans Serif font from the genre for example Katy B - On A Mission which sticks to the sans serif font as I saw this as a consistent thing throughout the up and coming pop genre. Also it resembles my artist Sanaa as her album hit is all about confidence and reaching the top..
The blue tint has been inspired through Katy B's front cover I'm still undecided whether to have it consistent or black and white for the back cover.
This is the inside of my digipak which I haven't finished but just started and already I can see the colour clash I have come across white the white and pale blue however I personally feel that I am using to much colours and therefore want to change this and limit this

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Digi Pak in progress : Inside Panels

Here I began with an empty two panel to begin my inside panels , starting with the CD image . Firstly , I had to make a circle which to fit into the square perfectly which is conventional size for CDs.
After making the circle, I wanted to follow my mock up of using different images of our artist Sanaa on the actual CD ,so here I did this by making square collage of the images -also with the light trails on it , and placed this to make the CD .
For the other side of the panel , I decided to add another picture but of a different shot to change up the variety of shots , however , kept the artist wearing the same thing as well as the effect of the light trail to give this conventional continuity which is seen on the rest of the digi pak.

Digi Pak in progress : Front and Back Covers

Here I first started with my chosen main image for my Digi here , I decided to try some different effects on the image and see what I could play around with ! . After trying different effects such as altering the temperature and sharping the picture , I felt that this gave a more calm and simple look to my artist , which was one of my aims for my ancillary products , however , I felt this didn't reflect my artist fun and bubbly personality.

After deciding this, I wanted to use a filter that showed my artist fun persona , this led me to use these "light trails" on my image which are syngerical to my music video as for the last verse Sanaa is at Kings Cross Fountains where there was a use of lights as well .
After choosing the effects for my image , I used a tint on Photoshop to a slight blue colours , to continue my syngerical colour of blue. After finalising my image , I started with the artist name and album which I wanted to present through anchoring .
Here I placed the song names in the middle as well as the bar code and record label logo was placed on the back of the CD cover. The use of the small print was used to illustrate copyrights ; all found in conventional digi paks . 

Saturday 10 January 2015

Mock up of advertisement

This advertisement will be very single aswell and my DigiPak as I feel my artist will best be displayed this was after looking into some pop genre magazine adverts I feel this a safe option as the effects and strong blue, black and white colour palate will give off the bold impression I wish to portray to my audience as the artist Sanaa is about confidence and being at the top.

Mock up of DigiPak

This is the mock up of my DigiPak the strong colour palate of blue black and white supports the colours we wisely chose for our music video costumes and locations therefore I feel this Gould be portrayed in the DigiPak.

The costume choice would preferably be one the funniest costumes out of the ones in our music video as this will best display Sanaa to our target audience and also show what to expect from the DigiPak. 

I feel strongly about having a blue tint on the artist as this is our colour palate and after looking into some other artists I have noticed that a filter/tint is common.

Friday 9 January 2015

Reasons for my location of my photos

Before considering this location , I thought good location would be to have a photo-shoot again at Waterloo Graffiti Tunnel , which would create and reinforce our artist fun and out going personality as well as continuing the synergy of colours of blue , black and white as well as creating synergy with our music video where the graffiti was used in our artist's first verse .

Thursday 8 January 2015

Photos that you plan to use on your digi pak

Photoshop session

Reasons behind location.

The two locations we as group have shortlisted is either the king's cross location above or having photographs taken in a studio however Sanaa will be in costumes from the music video to make sure there is a clear link of synergy, for my particular idea I have in mind it will work very well as I would like to keep my digipak and advertisement simple but still unique. My inspiration stems from Rita Ora's first album Ora - as she was gaining a brand name and artist image some of her techniques will be beneficial to me as Sanaa is also an up and coming artist. The king's cross location I feel is an attractive location and was also like what the music video climaxed up to from day to night and we end up in this colourful location, I think out of all the locations it is the location the audience will remember the most and therefore would be good to take shots for the ancillary products.

Overview of costumes

Possible images to use

These photographs have been taken in a studio, this best suits my idea for my digipak and advertisement because I want the main feature to be the artist in her costumes from the music video, so I can really focus on the motif which is her hair (curly). I want my digipak/advertisement to be simple yet have a sense of style and attitude that the aritist has I would like to portray this through the ancillary products whilst sticking to my main colours blue, black and white which have been carried throughout.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Do's and Don't of ancillary products.

The ancillary products must compliment the music video and genre we are using which in my case is pop. I have noticed that in pop music videos and promotion products they have a big focus on motifs which is what I intend to do within my promotion products. There is a big focus and not over using effects and fonts as it becomes visually unpleasant.

Where my ideas have come from.

My main inspiration is Rita Ora's as it is her song that we as a group have created a music video for and also it is her first 'album' so there is a big focus on her as an artist and her artist name which is what I wish to portray in my DigiPak and advertisement.

This is a second digipak/album cover I looked into because this is where my idea stemed from about having a blue filter as this was part of colour palate. Red was part of Rihanna's colour palate and she has cleverly used a faint red tint in order to make the main focus although distracted with other colours the main focus is still red which is what i wanted my digipak front cover to portray.

Short list of fonts, colours, layout and design.

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The digipak needs to follow the conventions of a pop genre artist, normally we would have a clear picture of the artist so the audience is able to visualise and become familiar with the artist; in my case Sanaa.

Short list of fonts , colours , layout and design ideas

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Tuesday 6 January 2015

Feedback of Mock Ups

As shown in my previous blogs , I was quite unsure of my hand crafted Mock Ups as I felt I couldn't see my vision on paper . This led me to making a digital mock up with the amazing help of the graphic design website Canva , where I could see my vision in full .

After getting my ideas down , I wanted to see if my Digi Pak as well as my Advertisement were conventional to real ancillary products as well as most importantly linking to my music video in terms of synergy .

Here I asked some members of my target audience about my mock ups and their views about it :

Monday 5 January 2015

Digital Mock up of Digi Pak and Advertisement

Digi Pak:

After doing a creative , hand made draft of my digi pak , I decided to make a digital mock up to see if I could present my ideas that were on my hand made copy , and see a possible digital outcome. To do this , I used an amazing website Canva where I designed my possible ideas.

Before using Canva , I was very sceptical of what I could use or even do for my digi pak , however , once trying these ideas on Canva I became so confident of my potential idea .

Front & Back Cover:

Inside of the Digi Pak :


I also created a Camtasia of my editing process :