Tuesday 16 December 2014

Mock Up / Potential Look for Digi Pak and Advertisement

Mock up Of Potential Digi Paks :
Now that our Music Video is done and that we have learnt what is needed to make a Digi Pak , in lesson today we recapped the codes and conventions of real digi paks .
After recapping this as a group we had to discuss collectively what our collective theme would be in our digi paks , and what colours , pictures and even fonts we might all want to use on our own ancillary products , as the Music Video was a group effort and production , which means in our individual ancillary work we have to have some of the same elements .
After our productive brainstorm , we started to make our own mock ups of our digi paks , considering our collective elements that we discussed  in a group and I made this as my potential digi pak front and back :
What I want to keep in my real digi pak is the idea of having a image of a medium shot or medium close up , cause this is a conventional element which allows audiences to immediately see the artist first . Also , the layout of my front cover , I want to continue this idea of anchoring ( keeping the artist image and artist name close to each other) this allowing the audience to straight away associate the artist name with the artist image .
What I would change or improve, is what type of fonts I would use , as for example , as I was drawing and handwriting these it was quiet hard to make a particular font , also I wasn't sure yet what type of font I want to use . Also , I wasn't sure what type of background I want to go for such as a plain white background or a one with graffiti or blue lights .

Inside of Digi Pak :

Here I continued to use a medium shot image of our artist Sanaa however her posing different , but still wearing the same thing , this creating less confusion visually for our audience . Also , the CD inside of the album will consist of the same font for the artist name and also album cover , this following the conventions of just using no more than two fonts .
One thing I would change or improve is the background as at this point I'm not sure what I could use as a background but this will soon be changed as I start to do more research !
 When starting my advertisement , I was quite unsure of the ways I could lay it out, so this lead me to recall what conventions and codes appear on a advertisement . The conventions that appear on a advertisement are the artist name and image , reviews of the artist , out now label , record labels/logos , social medias and availability of the album and where . Here , conveying the anchoring as well as the rule of thirds was hard to presents on a hand made version of my advertisement. However , I tried to show it through the use of the text taking up most of the space , however , due to problems with printing a bigger sized imaged ; I had to stick to this small image , but for my real advertisement I will definitely uses a bigger image .

Sunday 14 December 2014

Production of Ancillary product: Shortlisting of images

I shortlisted this image because I thought it was a clear view of who our artist is. Also, i thought it gave audiences a clear idea of the mood of the song and what they can expect to see from 'sanaa'. 
 I shortlisted this image because i thought it was a very neutral, subtle image of our artist which didn't give much away about the mood of the song. I liked the idea of not giving much away because i thought it would intrigue audiences and build up anticipation and excitement. I also liked it because of the blank wall and the full body shot. I felt that this made 'sanaa' the subject of the image, stand out and look very dramatic. It also highlighted her hair which is our motif and unique selling point.
 I shortlisted this image because i liked the contrast of the neutral white colors with the dark black color. I felt that it made the image more bold and dramatic, I also liked the facial expression 'sanaa' was making here because i thought it would give the audience a good insight into who our artist is and the mood of the song.
 I also shortlisted this photo because i thought it showcased and highlighted sanaa's hair which is our motif. I also liked that our artist is laughing in this shot because it instantly gives off a good, happy and fun vibe and gives audiences an insight into the mood of 'sanaa's' music.

Another photo i shortlisted was the image shown below. I shortlisted this image because again, i think it contrasts our artist motif and unique selling point. Also, i like the facial expression which is used here because it doesn't give away much however it may intrigue audiences for this very reason.

Planning Ancillary product:Inspiration for ideas

Analysis of three digi paks and advertisements !

Planning Ancillary product: Shortlisting ideas

Analysis of Advertisement

Analysis of DigiPaks

Saturday 13 December 2014

Photoshop tutorial:

In class we were guided through the do's and don'ts of design work and then put to the test. We were assigned to create our own practice digi pack. Using my knowledge on the lesson of the do's and don'ts of design work i produced this. It is unfinished but i decided to add a filter as i thought it would make the image look more interesting and intriguing. The font, however i was just playing around with and couldn't quite get the color i was hoping for.

Friday 12 December 2014

Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial :
In todays lesson , we were given a photo shop tutorial by one of our helpful technicians Fergus . Here he gave us the basic tools and instructions on how to use Photoshop .
After this tutorial it was our turn individually to try and create a digi pak and here is my try !

Thursday 11 December 2014

Analysing Previous Ancillary Work.

Introduction to Ancillary.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Analysis of past students wok

Introduction to Ancillary

Reflection on final editing

Last day of editing

Today's lesson we had one final view/look on our music video before we made a couple more emendments such as editing; a blur that created a fault, doubling checking on the mute of the explicit word that features in the song and correcting an out of sync fault.

Sunday 7 December 2014


The 5th December we have finally finished our music video and our blogs leading up to the finished video. 

The last editing lesson was fast pace and hectic for us all as we were trying to make sure the video was perfect and of course no wanted to be the last person to finish.

We used this last lesson to add the finishing touches and special effects to
help improve our pop/rock music video and give real personality to put Artist.

Blogging was done along side editing.

Friday 5 December 2014


We have finally finished editing our music video and we can't for you to see it !

Reflection on progress

Research; skills audit

What I learnt and how my skills have developed:

 Reflecting back on my AS work, I feel very much confident and more familiar with technical elements that i wasn't before, such as by using a variety of different ICT skills; (Powtoon, Mindmeister). Through using these ICT presentations, I found myself developing useful skills that I could benefit from such as organisational and creative skills.

In terms of research, changes I tried to make from AS, was that I made sure I planned more before I started on any blog tasks. I hoped that by doing this I would have more of a structure formed and thus a clearer approach on my tasks. As well as that, I would essentially keep organised and hence more focused as I would be reflecting using my revsions notes from lessons.

Research; Synergy

Last Editing Day

Thursday 4 December 2014

Analysis of Rough Cut

Analysis of Rough Cut :
After receiving feedback from our teacher on our first rough cut , which we touched on , on a previous blog where we said :

Strengths :

  • Editing to the beat was good ( Following Goodwin's theory of making a visual link of the image to the sound or beat)
  • Shots used were good , we used a variety of shots
  • Artist character was excellent , could tell that she was confident , which gave the music video a more vibrant and fun atmosphere , Also kept to Goodwin's theory of the artist looking constantly at the camera .

Weaknesses :

  • Our first location of Alexandra Palace (Green area) was good however , slightly contrasted to the rest of our music video locations which were more mernised and urban which suit our artist .
  • Also , add more movement within our music video to keep the audience interested .
  • The visual structure of the music video is good but it needs more thinking to show the audience and let them know when each part of the song is coming such as the Bridge and Hook

After this feedback had be giving , my group and I decided to change our location of the greenery area , and go for a more urban looking style , this led to us filming at Waterloo Graffiti Tunnel , after doing this we placed our base tracks in the order of how we wanted them .

In light of this feedback , using Camtasia I go through the different changes and edits I made for the change of location and create a close analysis on our first verse .

Blogging- personal reflection

Blogging reflection

1) What went well:

  • I tried to keep my blogs as detailed and in depth as I could; focusing on the key concepts of each task I was blogging about
  • I made it my personal task to try and use different/variety of ICT skills for presentation
  • As well as involving myself in group blogs; I tried to maintain my own independent blogs

2) Even better if; 

  • I needed to keep updated on my blog tasks; both previous ones that I have missed as well as the ones that needed to do after lessons; reflection on editing and filming
  • I still needed to vary my ICT skills despite using some new ones before
  • I needed to plan my blogs before I started on them; making notes (reflecting on revision notes from class) this way I could have solid information that I could work on from

Digipak analysis

Research; Lip sync tutorial

Progress review blog

Research; overview analysis of costume and location in music videos

Ways in which our rough cut conforms to theories of music video's:

Skills Development

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Goodwins Theory within Muisc Video

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Improvements before deadline

Feedback from rough cut !

After presenting our first rough cut to our class we got some feedback from our peers about our what was good; what went well, and what we could improve! - any other alterations and changes that we could possibly make. 

Research; favourite previous student video

Feedback from target audience

Feedback !
Here are some feedback from our first rough cut from some of our target audiences

Ancillary product: Before lessons. - draft

Progress Review

Initial ideas: Evaluation Q3&4

Production of Ancillary work: Work in progress - before (draft)

Do’s and don’t's for design work:

  •  Research various Digi packs
  • Research colours which your core target audience will like
  • plan layouts, fonts, colors etc.
  • Draft design
  • Get feedback
  • Make improvements based on feedback

  •  Don’t start without planning and research
  • Don’t finalize the product without audience feedback and improvements

Editing Day 8

Skills Development

I have learnt various skills in A2 media which have developed through the fast pace course, which has enabled me to run through the course more smoothly. As mention in my animated video the main successful thing I have learnt on the course so far is how to effectively use base track editing so that the footage and mp3 is in sync, without learning this editing skill it would be extremely difficult to create our music video, one thing I realised is that you can never have too much base tracks. Secondly learning how to use slow motion has been effective as it makes the extra footage more professional and fit the conventions of our genre (Pop/Rock). Outside of editing I have learnt how to use various media and photosharing sites to make my blog more personal.

Also I have learnt how effectively about the rule of thirds and effectiveness of camera movement.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Progress review blog:

Ria Ora Latest

This is the latest on Rita Ora which is the Artist's song we are using. Here we have a tweet she has tweeted to encourage her fans to raise money for breast cancer, this will hopefully have a big impact on the donations they receive.

Rough Cut 2